5 Trending Styles in Architectural Photography

5 Trending Styles in Architectural Photography

By: Swork Studio
27 Feb 2024

It comes to architecture, imagery is very important. The quality of the sketches and visuals play a key role in communicating what the brand wants to say. We can say the same for Architectural Photography as well. Good quality pictures can help a company showcase their projects, distinguish themselves from their competitors and attract new clients. Wood development in camera technology coming in as well. The field of architectural photography keeps developing new trends every year.

Here we have some of the most trending styles in architectural photography:

Gymnasium of the New Campus of Tianjin University, China, by Atelier Li Xinggang, photographed by Terrence

  • Architecture in use: Architectural photographer, Rob van Esch talks about this trend in his eBook, Trends in Architectural Photography. He describes the method as documenting the Architecture full of life and activity. This reflects the architects’ growing desire to present images of their work that depict how their spaces are used. Functionality at same time with required aesthetic are snapped together. The Shui cultural center shot by Westline Studio.

  • Use of Warmth: We all know that light plays a significant role in any type of Photography and so it definitely matters when it comes to architectural photography. Rob Van Each, the quality of light is best, it’s warm in tone. Warmth in pictures communicates the project’s characters and connects to viewers, it doesn’t appear as cold and lifeless. Lighting conditions like golden hour and blue hour do the trick here.
    A beautiful capture of the Augustusburg Brühl, in Germany. The symmetry here adds a new visual element.

    architectural photography


  • Capturing Symmetry: Using the correct angles can provide Symmetry and a clean cut to the picture. Rob Van Esch mentions in his book Trends in Architectural Photography, that oftentimes Symmetry can be used as a great element to make the capture stand out and surprise the client with unique point of view for the project.
    Drone shoot

    Bird’s-eye Barcelona by Hungarian photographer Márton Mogyorósy.

About Drone Photography

Drone Photography: Advancements in technology have seen a rise in the use of drones in architectural photography and videography. With the use of these drones, architectural photographers can now capture images that bring out the most unexpected and beautiful elements of the project with various angles, forms and scales. This collaborative trend between aerial and architectural photography will continue to be on the rise in the upcoming years.

  • “An American Hyperreality”, Photo by Eric Randall Morris.
  • Digital Art X Architectural Photography: Combining digital art and modern architectural photography can create stunning visuals that not only capture the eye of the viewer but also so bring out the message of the project. With a method like this, one can break boundaries of what the measuring and the project are all about and create stunning visuals with meaningful messages behind them.

    Drone shoot

    Amos Rex art museum captured by dezeen.

  • 360-Degree Photography: today we see your eyes of virtual reality all around the world. People want the experience of being immersed into something they see. This trend has also now picked up in architectural photography with the rise of 360 degree photography. When an image is captured at a 360 degree angle it provides an immersive experience to the viewers and highlights the full look of the project.

    architectural photography

    A building in Turkey © Yener Torun

  • Abstract, attracts: Abstract photography in Architecture has been getting more attention with social media platforms like instagram and Pinterest. This method makes compositions flatten the space, emphasizing more on line and color over depth. When it comes to urban projects the method of abstract architectural photography has been both clients and viewers equally.


With growing trends in the field of architectural photography, it’s essential for clients to find organisations that are up to date with the trends. Swork Studio, India’s best Architectural Photography studio, focuses on providing quality content that is update with the market.